New Tariff BSNL BBG Speed Combo ULD 1091 CS70 Broadband

Karnataka BSNL’s Most Successful DSL Combo Broadband Plan BBG Speed ​​Combo ULD 1091 CS70 All BSNL Broadband customers with unlimited internet and calling with BSNL’s new combo bundled benefits (Amazon Prime, Cashback, etc.) for all intents and purposes was introduced. Network services, let’s examine the new tariffs

Karnataka Broadband PlanBBG Speed Combo ULD 1091 CS70
Bandwidth (Download speed)Up to 200Mbps speed til 3.3TB, then 15Mbps
Applicable forAll the customers of the Karnataka telecom circle
Monthly ChargesRs. 1091 + GST
1-year advance paymentAdvance Rental Discount Offer
Download/Upload LimitUnlimited Internet Downloads and uploads
Static IP AddressOne IP @ Rs 2000 per annum (to be provided on request)
Free Email Ids/SpaceOne account with 1GB storage
Security DepositRs 1091
Minimum Hire PeriodOne Month

This is a regular tariff plan offered to all customers in the entire Karnataka circle under BSNL BBG Speed ​​Combo ULD 1091 CS70 DSL/FTTH network, if required, you can also check the following 300 Mbps high-speed plans available in the Karnataka circle Huh.

Read This  What is BSNL Happy Browsing in Broadband (DSL / FTTH)

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