Juhi Chawla Speaks Out-Her Explanation On The 5G Case

Juhi Chawla Speaks Out-Her Explanation On The 5G Case

Juhi Chawla Speaks Out-Her Explanation On The 5G Case

juhi chawala on 5g

The famous Bollywood actress, Juhi Chawla has finally explained the truth behind why she filed a petition against the 5G entry in the country. She says she just wants to know if 5G is safe or not.

Much has been said about the petition filed by Juhi Chawla against the inception of 5G technology in India. She along with the co-petitioners had asked the Government authorities to research whether 5G was safe for people. Juhi mentions in a video she has released earlier regarding this.

In the video, she specifies that she is not against the arrival of 5G. She goes on to say that her true reasons for filing the petition have sunk amidst a lot of unwanted noise. All that the petitioners are asking for is a certification on behalf of the Government stating that 5G is safe. She mentions that she is asking this for small kids, pregnant women, aged people, flora, and fauna -in short, the whole environment.

A lot of noise has been created. I could not hear myself. A very important message was lost amid such noise and that was, we are not against 5G. We are welcoming of it. We just want authorities to certify that 5G is safe, Juhi stated in her video.

“We just want the government to release research in the public domain so that our fear goes away,” said the Bollywood fame on Instagram.

“We just want to know that it is safe for children, for pregnant women, for unborn children, for people who are old, inform, for flora, fauna… that is all we are asking,” Juhi repeats.

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Being exposed to such intense radiation 24/7 is food for thought. The actress considers it her social responsibility to create awareness and she just needs to know if 5G is safe.

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