iPhone PNG Display Logo History

Do you own an iPhone, If yes, then you might have seen a PNG logo on the backside of the phone which shows you an half eaten apple but does it bring any meaning to you when you first look at?

iPhone PNG

Well to some people it is just another logo for another luxury brand that rich people across the world would love to have in their hands, but if you look closely there is more to what meets the eye then what is present in the Apple iPhone Logo and in this article we will be going over the history of the logo, the meaning of it as well.

iPhone Logo History and Who Created it

In the overall view, the Logo of Apple in the brand itself means Knowledge not literally but this is adapted from the Westen history of Adam and Eve, where the fruit of humanity was present.

The Apple’s iPhone and other brands logo is the same which is an half eaten apple and this was created by Rob Janoff in the year 1977, where he explains that he does not mean any symbolic resemblance to the Bible about the Fruit of humanity but the logo is made in such a way that it symbolizes learning and knowledge.

The funny thing is that there are millions of people across the world who still think that the bite on the Logo of the Apple brand means something literally but it does not.

It is so because Rob Janoff the creator of the logo said he only put a bite on the Apple because to make it different from a cherry or else people who buy the Apple products might be confused so as to what the logo actually is.

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The logo has become so tremendously popular all across the world that, everyone in the world now knows the symbol of Apple brand with a half bite apple which resembles the knowledge.

PNG logo change for iPhone & for Other Products

Yes, there has been a demand by people across the world in change of the logo for the Apple brand but there has been no change, because it has become a global success as of now and changing it would not be a great strategy for the company in the long run.

But in order to meet the requests of the general public and the fanbase, Apple has always tried to bring in different colored variants of the Apple logo and you can find the variation on the backside of the iPhone PNG logo on the recently released ones.

All the products from iPhone, iPod, MacBook, iMac and the iPad as well have the same logo on the back and you can compare their logo from online to see that there is no difference between them, and it is true that all products are different but the reason why this brand has made sure to keep a single logo with less color variation is that the general users, fanbase across the world can easily recognize it.

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