How to Uninstall Programs on Mac – 3 Methods Proved*

Are you struggling to remove an Application or Program from Mac OS, then here we come with a guide about how to uninstall Apps or programs on Mac…

If you want to remove a program completely from your MAC device or feel it is nowhere important to you anymore, then it is quite easy to remove it from Mac, despite the process to uninstall an application from Mac is different from normal process of uninstallation.

If you want to install an upgraded version of App or Program, then you don’t need to uninstall the existing one as the new version gets loaded on older App versions.

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How to Uninstall Programs on Mac Device

There are many methods that may follow to remove an Application from a Mac device, here we bring you them. Choose any best method as per your convenience and get the unwanted Apps or Programs removed from your device.

In this process we will be using the Trash box which can also be referred to as the recycle bin of the system. Kindly follow the steps correctly to get the App removed from Mac OS.

Method1: Uninstall Program Using Trash on Mac

  1. Click on Apple icon to Launch its page and Application form the List
  2. Application Folder may seen at left side of the screen
  3. Now select the program icon that you want to uninstall from Mac
  4. Now click on File form top option to display its drop-down list
  5. Select Move to Trash option to get this Program sent to Trash Bin
  6. Else press Command plus Delete button to directly move it to Trash
  7. Now go back to home screen and open Trash folder from Deck
  8. Kick on Empty Trash option to clean the bin on Mac
  9. Now restart your Mac device to reflect the changes made after the installation of the Program.
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Method2: Uninstall Program on Mac using Uninstaller – OS App

  1. Uninstaller -OS is an Application which gives you access to remove or install the program files from its utility screen.
  2. Click on Apple icon to launch the menu and select Application left side menu
  3. Here search for Uninstaller -OS App and click on to open in a new window
  4. Here click on see All application or scan to get a fresh result of Applications
  5. Select your preferred Program to get uninstall from the list
  6. Follow the instruction shown on screen to completely remove program
  7. That’s it, once followed the App will uninstalled from your Mac Device and you can restart the device to remove any unwanted files of the program from the background.

Method3:Uninstall Program Using Launchpad On Mac

In this method, we will use Launch Pad app which is the inbuilt application from your Mac device to uninstall a program.

  1. Click on Launch pad icon from dock having a logo of Spaceship.
  2. Under the Launch Pad, find the App or program you want to uninstall
  3. Click and hold the App for few second
  4. Apps gets start shaking on screen given a cross mark at left top corner
  5. Click on the Cross Mark to get this App uninstall from Mac
  6. A Pop-up box appear with Cancel and Delete button on screen
  7. Click on Delete button to proceed for uninstall of that Program
  8. That’s it, this process will completely get the Application uninstall from Mac device and clean all its older data if any available.
  1. Does uninstalling the Program remove its files as well?

    If you choose any of the methods to uninstall App on Mac device, during the process of uninstallation all files related to the program will be removed. Any personal data such as images, files or documents will be saved, and the files related to the program will be automatically removed.

  2. What if it Says App Cannot be Deleted on Mac during installation?

    This means that the Application you’re trying to uninstall is still in the background or being used by any other process, and thus you can move to the activity monitor page and force the program to close, so now try the uninstall option and it will get the program uninstalled successfully.

  3. Can I retrieve the program once it is uninstalled on Mac?

    No, there is no way you can get the program back with similar data once it has been successfully installed, and you can also use a new version of the same program installed on Mac to have a new start.

  4. I can’t find Uninstall -OS from Application on Mac?

    Uninstaller -OS is an extra application for Mac devices that needs to be installed from the iTunes App store, where to use the features of Uninstaller – OS you need to get it installed and follow the method 2 for uninstallation of any desired program.

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