How to Uninstall or Remove Parallels on Mac (Method Proved*)

Removing or Uninstall any Application from Mac quiet easier than any other operating system and most applications on Mac, Parallels doesn’t require it to uninstall, Simply move this Parallels Desktop to trash and it will removed from your applications.

In case you’re trying to upgrade, then you just need to download the new Parallel Desktop and install it, where the current version of Parallels Desktop automatically replaced with the new version in your Mac device.

The whole process to remove Parallels Desktop will not affect any of your files and applications that used from Windows to Mac. As you’re sure to remove the Parallels Desktop to uninstall from your Mac device, you can use this below given steps to completely get it move out from your Mac screen.

Remove Parallels from Mac

  1. Shut down your virtual machine using the shutdown option
  2. This may found in Actions Dropdown above Restart option
  3. Now select to Quiet Parallels Desktop to exit the application
  4. Click on Apple icon and open your Application folder to launch
  5. Here find Parallels Desktop and left-click on it
  6. Select Move to trash and go to Trash to empty the bin
  7. Restart your Mac device once the Trash Bin in cleaned

That’s it, The Parallels desktop Application now completely removed from Mac devices and it won’t found until you install it back.

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  1. Does uninstall of Parallel Desktop affect Mac OS X?

    Parallels Desktop is a virtual machine which doesn’t have any direct link with Mac OS parameters, thus removing it or making any changes with Parallels software will not affect Mac OS X in any form.

  2. Does running Parallels Desktop slow your Mac Device?

    There is no doubt that running a Parallels does mean that you’re running a complete Windows on Mac OS, thus it brings a Load on Mac OS performance and running multiple applications on both systems parallels will surely impact on the performance.

  3. Should I get Parallels on Mac OS?

    The latest version of Parallels is a great software that allows you to run Windows, Linux and other similar operating systems on Mac, so if you require this IS to be used regularly and end up having only a Mac device, then yes Parallels are the best option to proceed further.

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