How 5G Network Will Impact The OTT Market

How 5G Network Will Impact The OTT Market

The entry of the 5G India network into the Indian telecommunications market is a remarkable achievement. The fifth generation of the mobile network is all set to create new trends in internet connectivity and user consumption. With 5G, OTT India users get continuous and consistent access to the internet anywhere anytime. The latest reports show that in the next 5 years, there is expected to be a 5 times increase in the number of subscribers as a result of the 5G intervention.

Understanding 5G -An Overview

What is all the hype about 5G? Is it going to bring an enormous change to Indian Telecom Industry? Let us have a look. Here we are going to try and give you the simplest explanation possible.

5G is all about technological evolution. It is a dynamic leap in terms of wireless technology. A 5G network permits a new level of wireless networking that connects anything related to technology with people. This could mean machines, smartphones, smart TVs and any other object that modern living styles incorporate.

So what exactly makes 5G stand apart from its predecessors? Isn’t it all just about internet connectivity? No, while the internet is the baseline,5G is much more advanced than just browsing and smart TVs.

Features that distinguish 5G networks in India

Let us have a look at the features that set 5G apart.

  • Extremely efficient multi -Gbps data speed
  • Super efficiency internet with high 5g network speed during peak hours
  • Almost zero latency in all connections
  • Absolute reliability of internet network
  • Huge network capacity.
  • Least performance dip and support for multiple devices as well as multiple users
  • User support 24/7
  • High performing multi-enterprise apps
  • Excellent customer satisfaction

Benefits of 5G

  • Multiple device support
  • Enhanced user experience
  • Increased connectivity at higher bandwidths
  • Extremely fast data transfer
  • The smooth and consistent content transmission
  • Nil Latency

5G Functionality

The OTT platforms in India is not the only area where 5G is going to create magic. There is a wide variety of 5G functionality in all areas of modern life. E-commerce platforms, online food delivery, video sharing platforms, content creation, information broadcasts, online streaming services, App-based transportation, online Health services, video consultations, video conferencing, audio, video file transferring etc. The list of services is endless. Technologies like IoT, Robotic automation, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual reality etc will improve highly in all dimensions with the advent of 5G.

Role of 5G in OTT services

5G network is going to create a greater market for OTT services in India. The viewers are in line for extremely efficient services and enhanced customer satisfaction. Already OTT services are snowballing in customer base and demand. Indian population is fast becoming a tech-savvy crowd. They look forward to seeing more advancement in technology.

5G network in India opens up more opportunities to increase revenue for OTT platforms. The advertisement industry is going to reap rewards with this fast-paced internet inclusion. Content creation and content viewing are also going to undergo a major transformation. Uploading and downloading content will be a matter of child’s play as it will take just microseconds to get the task done. You will never have to see another video buffering.

It is not only the smartphones that are going to be super-fast. 5G brings higher leverage with regards to connectivity to all smart devices. There are going to be unexplored opportunities in the telecom industry.

This is exactly what the Indian consumers are expecting. OTT service providers are already working hard to keep Indian users interested. It is becoming a prerequisite to investing in high-quality content and smooth transmission services.

Most Indian consumers are price sensitive and are likely to change their viewing options if they do not get value-added services. The number of OTT channels is on the rise and with this comes fatigue in OTT content. Hence if OTT service providers are thinking of retaining their consumer base, they should act accordingly and use 5G services to their full advantage to provide Quality of Excellence (QoE) to their valuable subscribers.

What can QoE do?

With 5G technology, providing high-quality services allows OTT service providers to deliver reliable content without any downtime at all. Also, QoE enables meeting peak traffic demands without any hassle.

5G and the future of the Indian OTT scenario

5G enables OTT services in India to be 10X times quicker and also brings down latency to around 50%. This is a great achievement that can make it possible to deliver content at relatively lower costs.

By providing low- latency, cost- efficiency and of course, high-quality services, OTT service providers are expecting to have a consumer base of above 500 million customers in the next 5 years.

Factors to consider

Introducing 5G services into OTT platforms will lead to the following aspects.

1) Satellite broadcasting is likely to see a decline

Since 5G brings along enhanced performance and reliability, Consumers get great 4k video streaming and HD experiences. They will have a vast range of genres at their fingertips. This is surely going to affect satellite broadcasting services as OTT is likely to become the most sought out service.

2) Reducing the gap between OTT services and broadcasting channels

Most OTT providers believe that 5G services will bridge the gap between subscription-based OTT services and broadcasting TV. This gives consumers a choice to watch digital content on either platform.

3) Smart TV /Connected TV

5G functionality is not going to be restricted to only channel viewing. With a smart TV in the house, there is going to be an explosion of new opportunities. From video streaming to gaming consoles, the smart TV is going to be the centre of all households.

4) Rise of new partnerships

OTT platforms will have the chance of forming new partnerships with 5G providers and this alone will bring in more customers to both services. This could enable a collaboration that will result in high-quality content delivery.

5) Improved real-time advertising

Real-time advertising is going to be the call of the hour in the days of 5G. Serving target market groups instantly with direct ads is going to be a thing of the future. This is going to open several doors of new-gen advertising. OTT platforms with their huge consumer base are going to be their favourite choice as the reach is expansive. OTT platforms would serve to be the perfect platform to display localised ads without any extra charges.


5G is a field of endless expansion. To understand the entire potential of 5g India, it is necessary to implement the 5G services in the field wholly. OTT Indian viewers will experience the next-gen connectivity which is going to enhance their viewing experience. We will be updating you with more information on 5G services shortly. Stay tuned to know more about this cutting edge technology and its advances.

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