Check BSNL Broadband Usage without Login in 2 Steps

Do you want to check BSNL broadband internet usage online without login or registration, just check the process to know your fiber net or DSL broadband daily usage at any time with simple 2 steps…

As of now, we know the process to check the BSNL broadband data usage through Online Selfcare portal or with My BSNL App, but now here in this article we present the new mode to check the data usage without any login, for this you have to stay in that area where the connection is installed by connecting the internet through WiFi or through LAN.

At present it is very important to monitor the daily internet usage to avoid declining speeds over Fiber to Home or DSL broadband connections provided by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, because all the WiFi gadgets in our home or office are connected to one internet service which in result declines in speed

With this simple 2 steps without any login to online selfcare portal, BSNL new process will surely help you to manage the data usage in avoiding the declining speed, so just follow the below steps and get your daily cumulative data usage per month used during your upload and download Usage

How to Check BSNL Broadband Usage without Login

  1. First connect your device with WiFi or WLAN with the connection installed
  2. Open your browser (Recommended is Google Chrome)
  3. Go to URL
  4. Click on Know Your Usage
  5. A new Pop Up page opens with your Service Name, Type, and Usage
  6. Check your Consolidated usage for the month in the 3rd Column Total Used Date as on date and current day used data in 4th column, where in the first column Service Type means, the broadband plan which you have opted
  1. Can i get the BSNL broadband usage without login from anywhere?

    You can’t get the usage in online from anywhere, for that you have to login to selfcare portal or My BSNL mobile app

  2. Is there any limit in performing the checks to know usage?

    There is no limit to check the data usage for your fiber broadband or DSL internet, but you have to stay and connected with that BSNL postpaid connection.

  3. Can I Check BSNL Postpaid mobile number usage in online using this process?

    At present, the said process is allowed only for BSNL postpaid DSL / Bharat Fiber broadband, and the given is not applicable for GSM mobile services.

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