BSNL Punjab Prepaid STV Plans Tariff for Voice & 4G Data

India’s biggest telecom BSNL has introduced the most successful circle specific prepaid STV tariff plans in Punjab circle to cater for GSM mobile services at lowest rates in the industry with a stiff competition, Have a look at the lowest tariff circle specific STV plans of Punjab GSM mobile services.

BSNL has categoriezed special tariff vouchers into 4 STV categories namely Voice, Data , SMS and for 4G Data, and apart from these rate cutter plans, Punjab circle provides BSNL new prepaid plans with combo offers under GSM mobile services. Have a look at all the rate cutters or combo special tariff vouchers for subscription as per requirement

BSNL Punjab Combo / Voice STV Plans ( December 2022 )

STV PricesFreebiesValidity
18Unlimited Voice Local/std Roaming Voice Calls + Free Video Calls + 1GB/day High Speed Data then 80 Kbps2 Days
24Free Calls @20Paisa/Min (on-net Calls) + 20Paisa (Off-net Calls)30 Days
29Unlimited (local/std) any Net in Home LSA & National Roaming + 300 SMS + 1GB data5 Days
4810 Rs usage value + Free voice on net @20paisa/Min30 Days
49100 Minutes voice Calls(LOCAL/NATIONAL)(Call charges after free minutes @45ps/Min) + 2GB DATA + 100 SMS for 28 days24 Days
87Unlimited Voice calls in network + 1GB/Day14 Days
8830 paisa/Min48 Days
99Unlimited Calls (local/std) any Net in Home LSA & National Roaming + Free BSNL Caller Tunes22 Days
118Free Unlimited Calls (Includ MTNL Network in Mumbai & Delhi) + Unlimited Data 0.5GB/day + 100 SMS/day + Unlimited Caller Tunes Song Change Option26 Days
1351440Min (Any Network)24 Days
139This STV is applicable for Inactive2 customers only. Unlimited Local/STD/Roaming calls incl. Mumbai and Delhi + Unlimited data with speed restricted to 80kbps after 2GB/day) + 100 SMS/day28 Days
147Unlimited Voice Calls + 10 GB DATA for 30 days + PRBT30 Days
15922500 Seconds (local/std)24 Days
184Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS28 Days
185Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS28 Days
186Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS28 Days
187Free Unlimited (National Roaming Includ Mumbai & Delhi) + 2GB High Speed Data then 40Kbps + 100 SMS/day + Free Caller Tunes28 Days
201Unlimited Voice Calls (in Home LSA)+ Unlimited Data (speed restricted to 40 Kbps after 1GB/day) + 100 SMS/day28 Days
228Unlimited Voice Calls + 2GB/Day data + 100 SMS/day30 Days
239Unlimited Voice Calls + 2GB/Day data + 100 SMS/day + 10 rs talk value + Freebies for 1 month30 Days
247Unlimited Voice Calls + 50 GB data + 100 SMS/day30 Days
269Unlimited Voice Calls + 2GB/Day data + 100 SMS/day + 10 rs talk value + Freebies for 1 month + Free BSNL tunes + ZING + Lokdhun30 Days
298Free Calls + 1GB/day High Speed Data + 100 SMS/day for 64 days56 Days
299Unlimited Voice Calls + 3GB/Day data + 100 SMS/day30
319Unlimited Voice (local/Std) any net (except Mumbai & Delhi) 99 SMS (LOCAL/NATIONAL) + 10GB DATA75 Days
347Unlimited Voice Calls + 2GB/Day + 100SMS56 Days
397Unlimited Voice Calls + 100 SMS/day + 2 GB Data/day300 Days
399Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS + Free BSNL Tunes + Lokdhun70 Days
429Unlimited Free Calls + 2GB data/day + Eros Now Entertainment Services81 Days
439Unlimited Voice calls (local/STD)(On-net/Off-net) in Home LSA and National roaming (including Delhi and Mumbai) + 300 SMS90 Days
499Unlimited Voice calls (local/STD)(On-net/Off-net) in Home LSA and National roaming (including Delhi and Mumbai) + 2 GB Data/day + 100 SMS/day90 Days
599Unlimited free voice calls in home LSA and national roaming including while roaming in Mumbai and Delhi. + 5GB/day + Free 100 SMS/day84 Days
769Unlimited Voice calls (local/STD)(On-net/Off-net) in Home LSA and National roaming (including Delhi and Mumbai) + 2 GB Data/day + 100 SMS/day + Free BSNL tunes + ZING + Lokdhun90 Days

BSNL 4G Data Special Tariff Vouchers

STV PriceFeaturesFree Data
192GB/day1 Day
5610GB + Zing10 Days
752 GB50 Days
943 GB75 Days
97U/L Local/Std Calls + 2GB data/day + 100SMS/day +Lokdhun Content18 Days
98Free Data 2GB/day + EROS NOW Entertainment Services22 Days
15140GB High Speed Data28 Days
1982GB/day + Free BSNL Caller Tunes50 Days
251High Speed 70GB Data28 Days
398Unlimited data+ Free Caller Tunes for 2 Months + Lokdhun Content30 Days
447Unlimited Voice Calls + 100GB data (speed restricted to 80 Kbps after 100GB) + 100 SMS/day for 30 days+ PRBT + EROS60 Days
1515Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40/kbps after 2GB/day365 Days

BSNL ISD Rate Cutters

Read This  Why BSNL Employees are going to 3day Strike from 18.02.2019
STV PricesCountry NameChargesValidity
16BhutanAll Calls @Rs10Ps/Second18 Days
65Canada China Singapore and USA , Bangladesh Malaysia and Hong KongVoice calls to Canada China Singapore and USA @ Rs 1.49/min. Bangladesh Malaysia and Hong Kong@ Rs 2.49/min. Bahrain @Rs.6.49/min. Nepal @Rs.9.50/min30 Days

BSNL SMS Vouchers

STV VouchersFree SMSValidity
33385 SMS (Any Net)30 Days
52Free 860 SMS30 Days

BSNL allows all the above Punjab STV plans through online recharge portal or through My BSNL App and with CTOP UP retailer, Where if done through PAY TM or Phone Pe or Google Pay Recharge, there is no responsibility if not activated.

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