BSNL Karnataka STV Plans & New Combo Rate Cutters

Find the new STV mix packs or BSNL Karnataka circle applicable to prepaid GSM mobile customers to get connected with unlimited for 4G voice, data and SMS services, Check the price of STV and tariff of each rate cutters to avail the prominent GSM mobile services applicable for Karnataka state…

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, is prominently spread across the state of Karnataka which has a large user base of telecom service users, one of the reasons why BSNL has been on top of telecom services is due to the update in weekly offers and cash backs it has started providing to the available users.

In pursuit of making the customers more engaged and with the upcoming 5G technology which is going to be released soon, and the oprator has started providing BSNL new prepaid 4G offers in Karnataka for weekly, monthly, quarterly and even the one year recharge plan. let us check the STV Plans of Karnataka for December 2022.

BSNL Karnataka 4G Data STVs

Free DataValiditySMS Activation
Code TO 123
162GB data1 DaySTV DATA16
31150MB3 DaysSTV DATA31
752GB + 100 Minutes50 Days
943GB + 100 Minutes75 Days
972GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day18 Days
98Unlimited Internet with high speed 2GB /day, then 40Kbps + EROS NOW Entertainment Service22 DaysSTV DATA98
15140GB + Zing28 DaysSTV DATA151
1982GB Data + Free Caller Tunes50 DaysSTV DATA198
241High Speed 2.7GB Data30 DaysSTV DATA241
251Unlimited 70GB Data + Zing28 Days
398Unlimited Data without any speed restriction + Unlimited Voice Calls30 Days
447Unlimited Voice local/STD/Roaming calls any net incl. MTNL Network in Mumbai and Delhi + 100 GB Data at high speed (Post which unlimited @ 80 Kbps) + 100SMS/day60 Days
1515Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 4Okbps after 2GB/day365 Days

BSNL 4G Voice STVs

STV PricesFree Voice CallsValiditySMS Action Code To 123
18U/L free voice calls + video Calls + 1GB/Day2 Days
21Rs 20Paisa/min ( On- Net & off Calls)30 DaysSTV VOICE12
2525 Free talk time4 Days
29Unlimited Calls + 1GB + 300 SMS5 Days
48Voice call in any net @20paisa/min + 10 rs usage value30 Days
49100 mins Voice call in any net + 1GB data + Freebies for 15 days15 Days
58 Free 5600 Seconds ( Local/Std)8 DaysSTV VOICE58
87Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS/Day14 Days
88Any Network Free Voice Calls ( 0.8 P/Sec)90 DaysSTV VOICE88
99Unlimited Voice Calls22 Days
118250 Min/Day +0.5GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day26 Days
1351440 Minutes ( Local & Std Voice Calls)24 DaysSTV VOICE135
139This STV is applicable for Inactive2 customers only. Unlimited Local/STD/Roaming calls incl. Mumbai and Delhi + 2GB/day + 100 SMS/day.28 Days
147Unlimited Local/STD Calls + 10 GB Data30 Days
159Local/Std any Net ( 22500 Seconds) Calls24 DaysSTV VOICE159
184Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS28 Days
185Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS28 Days
186Unlimited Voice Calls + 1GB/Day + 100SMS28 Days
187Unlimited Voice Calls + 2GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day28 Days
2091 paisa/ 2 Secs90 Days
228Unlimited Voice Calls + 100 SMS/Day + 2GB/day30 Days
239Unlimited Voice Calls + 100 SMS/Day + 2GB/day + Freebies for one month + 10 Rs talk value30 Days
247Unlimited Voice Calls + 100 SMS/Day + 50GB + Freebies for 30 days30 Days
269Unlimited Voice Calls + 2GB/Day + 100SMS + hardy and Arena Mobile Gaming service + Lokdhun + Zing30 Days
298Unlimited Voice Calls + 100 SMS/Day56 Days
299Unlimited Voice Calls + 3GB/Day + 100SMS30 Days
319Unlimited free voice calls75 Days
347Unlimited Voice Calls + 2GB/Day + 100SMS56 Days
3953000 Minutes Onnet voice + free 1800 Minutes offnet voice + 2GB/Day71 Days
399Unlimited Voice calls + 1GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day + Free BSNL tunes + Lokdhun70 Days
429Unlimited Voice calls + Unlimited Data 1GB/Day + EROS now Entertainment Services81 Days
439Unlimited voice calls in any net + 300 SMS90 Days
485Unlimited Voice calls + 1.5GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day82 Days
499Unlimited Voice Calls + 100 SMS/Day + 2GB Data/Day + EROS now Entertainment Services90 Days
599Unlimited Voice calls + 5GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day + Zing84 Days
769Unlimited Voice calls + 2GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day + Free BSNL tunes + Lokdhun + Hardy and Arena Mobile Gaming services + Zing music90 Days


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STV PricesLocal / National Free SMSValiditySMS Activation Code To 123
34Free Local/National Any Network 385 SMS30 DaysSTV SMS34
541000 on net Free & Local / National Other Network30 DaysSTV SMS54

BSNL Karnataka Combo STV Packs or Mix Pack

Mix Pack (Combo Plan) PricesFeatureValitidySMS Activation Code to 123
18Free unlimited calls + Unlimited Video Calls + 1GB/day2 DaysSTV VOICE18
29Free Unlimited Voice Calls In Home LSA & National Roaming including MTNL
( Delhi & Mumbai) + 1GB Data + 300 SMS
5 Days
49Free 100 min any net. After free minutes voice calls @45paisa/min + Free 2GB + 100 SMS24 DaysSTV 49
752GB free data to be consumed within 50 days + 100 minutes free50 Days
943GB free data to be consumed within 75 days + 100 minutes free75 Days
99U/L Free Voice Calls in Home LSA (Excluding Mumbai & Delhi) + Free Caller Tune22 Days
118Local/Std/roaming Unlimited Calls + 0.5 GB/day+ 100 SMS/day + Free Caller Tune26 DaysSTV COMBO118
147Unlimited calls to any network + 10GB data + BSNL TUNES30 Days
187Unlimited Free Voice Calls (Local/Std)+ 2GB/day+ 100 SMS/day + Unlimited Song Change Option28 Days
201Unlimited call + 1GB/day +100SMS + Cricket PRBT along with Cricket SMS Alerts28 Days
247Free unlimited voice calls + 50 GB + 100 SMS30 Days
298U/L voice calls Local/std Roaming Voice Calls + 1GB/day + 100 SMS + EROS NOW Entertainment Service56 Days
319Local/Std any network unlimited calls in Home LSA and National Roaming Voice Calls (Excluding Delhi & Mumbai)75 DaysSTV VOICE319
395Free Local/Std 3000 Minutes (On-net Voice Calls) + 1800 Minutes Off-net Calls, after Free Minutes Charge & 20P/min + 2GB/day71 DaysSTV COMBO395
429Free unlimited Voice Calls (Local/Std) + 1GB data +100SMS/day + Cricket Alerts81 Days
499Unlimited voice calls Free National Roaming Voice calls in Home LSA +2GB/day + 100 SMS + Cricket PRBT along with Cricket SMS Alerts90 Days
599U/L Voice (Home/National Roaming ) + 5GB/day + 100 SMS + zing84 Days

ISD Pack

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STV PricesCountry NameChargesValiditySMS Activation Code To 123
19NepalVoice Call Rs 8.50/Min30 DaysSTV ISD19
22Australia, Bahrain, Indonesia, KuwaitVoice Call Rs 6.49/Min + SMS Rs 3/SMS30 DaysSTV ISD22
27Bangaldesh, Malyasia, Hongkong, ThailandVoice Call Rs 2.99/Min + SMS Rs 3/SMS30 DaysSTV ISD27
43Canada, China, Singapore, U.S.A.Voice Call 1.49/min + SMS Rs 3/SMS30 DaysSTV ISD43
65Voice call @1.49/min to Canada, China, Singapore, U.S.A. + @2.49/min to Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Malaysia + @6.49 to Bahrain + @9.50 to Nepal + SMS @3/SMS30 Days

The major reasons BSNL Karnataka STV users love its service is because the talk time is much more related to the amount paid and you get what you pay with BSNL online recharge or offline, So, there are no hidden charges in price here which makes users happy to buy any of the new plans that BSNL have suggested in Prepaid.

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