765 Short Codes for Various Emergency Service Dialing in India

PAN India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has updated all the Emergency Numbers Short code on all India basis for each emergency service of each department noted against in the table which was updated as on 31st March 2020 as a total count of 684, search the helpline numbers for your required emergency service instantly and contact the department.

Emergency Short Code Numbers in India as on 30.09.2023

Short CodeService
100Emergency (Police)
103Woman &child Helpline
104Health  information
105Police department
108Ambulance services
108Emergency & Disaster Management Services.
112Police Emergency
112Single Emergency No, for mobile handset
114Call Transfer Activation
115Call Transfer Deactivate
116Wake up Call Activate
117Wake up Deactivate
118Call Waiting Activate
119Call Waiting Deactivate
120Hot Line Activate
121Hot Line Deactivate
122Reserved for Electronic Exchange function
123Dynamic STD Password Registration
123Dynamic STD Password Registration
131Rly General Enqy Except Cal, S.E.Rly, Mumbai, Western Rly
132Rly General Enqy for Cal, S.E.Rly, Mumbai, Western Rly
133Allotment in 4 digit code
135Raiway Manual Reservation
138Premier Enquiry Serviced and value added services
138All India Help line for passengers
139Central Integrated Rly System
142Airport enquiry
142Electricity Outage
143Airport enquiry  interntional
149Enquiry of Public Road Transport Utilities to All States and Uts
150Trunk Booking, Demand and Telegram/Phonogram Services by Access Providers
151Trunk  and Telegram/Phonogram Services by Access Providers
161Governance missed call alert
161PAN India-M-Governmance, KTK
162Robot test
162Line Test Robot
163Operator assisted test desk
163Dept of Elec. & IT For
165Call Pickup
166Depatment of Electronics & Information
166m-governance service
166Addition of IVRS Outbound Call Service- m-governance service, MeitY
167Fault  announcement service
168Vertical particulars
169Fault repair service
171Acess to Data services
172Acess to Data services
172Access code of ISP`s
174Time in english
175Time in english
176Fault repair service
177Hindi vishesh seva
177Hindi Vishes Seva
178PCO fault Booking, BSNL
179Centalize booking of PCO faults
179PCO fault Booking, BSNL
181Chief  Minister Help Line
181GNCT-Delhi as Chief Minister Help-line
182Indian Railway security Helpline
182Indian Rly Security Helpline
192Ministry of Railway as Indian Railway security Helpline
195Allotment in 4 digit code
197Director enquiry
197Directory Enquiry
198Local complaint
198Local complaints
199Local complaint
1031Delhi & NCR Helpline service
1031Helpline for Resdressal of public Grievances to Govt of Puducherry
1033NHAI for Road incident Management Service
1036Scheduled caste/
1039Anti Extortion Cell to State Govt, of  UP
1050Pune Heart Brigade
1051AIDs Related Services
1052Blood Bank
1053Eye Bank
1054Poison conrol service centre
1054Poison Control Service
1055Organ Retrieval
1056Emergency medical services at District level
1056Emergency Medical Service, Tamilnadu
1057Ambulance service
1059Emergency service of hospitals
1060AIIMs, Delhi
1061PGI, Chandigarh
1062Poison Control Centre, Manipal Hospital, BG
1063Public grievance cell of DOT
1063Public Grievance cell of DoT
1064Anti corruption Helpline to all state Govt./UTs
1064Anti corruption Helpline to all state Govt./UTs
1065University of Delhi
1065University of Delhi
1066M/S Apolllo Hospital
1066Apollo Hospital Ambulance Service
1068Medanta the Medicity Gurgaon
1068Medanta Medicity Gurgaon
1070Telecom services and missing persons information
1070State Relief Commissioner for Natural Calamities
1070Standard Disaster Helpline to all States/UTs
1071Air accident information
1071Air Accident
1072Train accident information
1072Railway Accident
1073Road accident
1073Road Accident
1074Pollution (Vehicle)
1075Integrated of desease surveillan project
1075Integrated Disease Survelleilance System
1075Emergency Helpline for COVID-19 at Ministry of Family and Health Welfare(MoHFW)
1076Government of Kerala as chief Minister
1076Chief Minster Helpline Govt.of Kerala, Govt. of NCT, Delhi
1077Control room of District collector
1077Diaster mangement services
1077Control Room of District Collector
1078Central; CDMA control room
1078Central NDMA control room
1078Measure for Earthquqke Help
1079Diaster mangement services
1079Disaster management services to all state Govt.
1080Mrityujay ambulance service
1088Delhi High Court
1090Call Alert for Crime Branch
1091Women Helpline to all State Govt./UTS
1093Coastal Security Helpline
1094Public Grievance Cell at CTD & WB
1095Traffic Control Helpline to State Govt. of Chhatisgarh
1095Registering 3G service- BSNL , KOTD
1095Traffic Control Helpline, Chhatsgarh
1096Women Helpline, AASP.Assam, MH, AP
1097HIV/AIDS Helpline, Kerala.All Circles
1098Children in difficult Situation, CPP
1099Central Accident & Trauma service to all State/UTs
1099Director of Health Services,Chattisgarh,
1100Faster Redessal of Grievances Tamil Nadu
1100Chief Minister Relief Control Room, Kerala
1100Chief Minister Helpline for COVID-19, Madhya Pradesh
1100Chief Minister Helpline for COVID-19, Gujarat
1100Citizens Essential Services and Grievance Redressal System Helpline to Department of Governance Reforms, Government of Punjab.
1130MTNL customer Helpline
1130MTNL as Customer Care Centre Helpline
1149U. P. Police Mahila Samman Prakoshtha
1220Call Forwarding Busy Registration
1221Call Forwarding Busy Cancellation
1222Call forwarding No rely Registration
1223Call forwarding No rely Cancellation
1224Call forwarding un conditional Registration
1225Call forwarding un conditional Cancellation
1281Mahila Samman Prakoshtha , Lucknow(Not issued)Pending
1292BSNL Saas Conferencing services, Chennai
1296Life Save Emergency Medical Services, Alappuzba, Kerala
1310Rly General Enqy Except Cal, S.E.Rly, Mumbai, Western Rly
1311Emergency Helpline For Suburban Commuters of Western RlysMH, Mumbai
1312Emergency Helpline For Suburban Commuters of Western RlysMH, Mumbai
1320Railway General enquiry
1321Railway General enquiry
1322w.rly security Helpline
1322NorthEastern Rly Security Helpline
1323IRCTC Railway e-catering service to all state govt/UT.
1323Mapping of Short Code ‘1323 allotted to IRCTC Railways E-Catering.
1330Rly Enquiry
1330Rly.Global Enquiry
1331Arrival inf of trains
1331Arrival inf. Of trains
1334Recorded announcement
1335Arrival inf. Of trains
1339Celcabs&Voyages Travel
1363Ministry of Toresim
1364Tourist Information Service Helpline
1364-do-for State govt.
1364Shri Amarnath Yatra
1364Dial a Cab Service
1366Premium enquiry services and value added services for the Indian Rlys.
1400Reservation Enq.
1401Reservation  Eng
1401Flight Arrival Enq.
1402Flight Departure Enq.
1403Domestic Automatic Flight Enq
1404International Automatic Flight Enq.
1405AIR INDIA Flight Services
1407Indian Airlines
1407Air India Services
1410Departure Enq.
1411International Reservation Enq.
1412Domestic Reservation Enq.
1413Confirmation/Cancellation Enq.
1414Travel Agent for Air India.
1415Private Airlines Services
1444Private Airlines Services
1500Call centre (cfa)
1500Call centre for MTNL/BSNL
1501Landline enquiry service BSNL
1501Automatic billing enquiry
1502WIMAX servicxe
1502WimaxServicesCall Centre
1503O&M PSTN
1503WS , O & M PSTN Sw.
1504Brand Band ( BSNL) ServiceER
1504BroadBand, BSNL
1505Black berry
1505Blackberry Services
1506ILD complaint
1506ILD, Complaints,Chennai
1506Call centre of chief Min.Gj
1507IPTV Franchises
1507IPTV Franchises
1512Prevention of crime in Railway
1512Prevention of Crime in Rlys
1514National Career Serviceto all States /Uts
1515Women Helpline to all State Govt./UTS
1515Women Helpline
1516Delhi legal service authority
1517Child Helpline to all State Govt/UTs
1520Chief Minister BaNKING AND INSURANCE Helpline to U.P Govt
1520Chief Minister Banking & Insurance Helpline-UP 
1533New Delhi Municipal Corporoation
1533NDMC Citizen Facilitation services to NDMC
1533NDNC citizen facilitation service
1533Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), Government of Karnataka to set up a call center to handle the grievances of citizens of Bengaluru City Corporation
1550Phone on demand
1551Kisan call centre
1551Kisan Call Centre
1554Maritime SAR emergency services to the Indian  Coast Guard
1554Level to Sulab plan
1554MSRC of Indian Coast Guard
1555IP SRP
1555Trunk Booking
1556IP SRP
1557IP SRP
1580BSNL trunk booking service
1580Trunk booking –Lrvel to Sulabh Plan (incoming call)(Karanataka Circle)
1580Trunk Assistance
1581BSNL Trunk assistance
1581STD Complaint
1582NDQ Enquiry
1583NDQ enquiry
1584Regional Language
1585BSNL Phonogram regional language
1585Trunk Booking (International)
1586BSNL trunk booking service
1586Trunk Assistance (International)
1587BSNL Trunk enquiry (international)
1587Trunk Delay Information
1588Virtual Card callingprepaid 
1800Free Phone service
1801Free phone services
1802Virtual card calling (VCC)
1803Tele-voting (no charge)_
1804Account card calling
1805FLPP Direct Access
1806FLPP Remote Access
1881Hon’ble Supreme Court of India  Helpline to streamline court functioning through video conferencing module
1888Delhi highcourt Helpline
1902Kumbh Mela-2021, Haridwar
1902iPGRS Helpline to centre for e-Governance, DPAR (e-Governance) Government of Karnataka
1903Sashastra Seema Bal(SSB)
1904Indian Army Helpline
1905Grievance & Redressal to State Govt of Punjab
1905Directorate of Governance Reforms, Government of Punjab
1905Citizen Grievance Redressal Portal of Government of Telangana
1905Chief Minister s Helpline Number for Tripura for Citizen Grievance Redressal system
1906Petroleum Industry Emergency Helpline to Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. to all state
1907Agricultural Marketing Department, Andhra Pradesh
1907Department of Agricultural Marketing & Agricultural Business, Government of Tamil Nadu
1908For Drug Menance to ALL states
1908Gujarat State Police for Narcotics Helpline
1909Do not  disturb
1912Complaint on electricity  * CGM Panjab Telecom circle. Elecricity call centre  at Bhubaneswar, Tamilmadu
1915National Consumer Helpline to Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India
1916Drinking Water Supply Helpline
1917Mahanagar Gas ltd
1919Eye bank to all state
1920 Prayagraj Mela Pradhikarn for Kumbh mela
1920Vrindavan Kumbh Mela
1921My Govt for enhanced citizen
1921Electricity Grievances tp Discoms
1922Maan Ki Baat –For Hon`ble Prime Minister to National Information Centre
1924Handling Public Grievances to all State/Uts Deptt of post
1926Forest  Department Helpline
1929Covid-19  call centre at Smart City Operation Centre , Bubhaneshwar(Odiisha)
1930Provision and operationalization  of emergency telephones/help lines at MHA.
1932Indian Air force Helpline
1938Diaster Management & Relief from cyclone
1940RTI Helpline, AP
1941Department of Information Technology, Electronics & Communications, Government of Telangana
1944Provision and operationalization  of emergency telephones/help lines at MHA.
1947UIDAI(Unique Identification Authority of India)
1948Cyclone Nilofar in Gujarat
1948Missing person information
1948For Flood in Chennai
1948Missing person information in TN including Chennai & Pondicherry
1950Election Commission, Igujarat Other states
1951Change No. announcement (Hindi)
1952Change No. announcement (English)
1953Change No. announcement (Regional lang)
1954Change No. announcement (In case of shift)
1955IVRS system on call Drop (SMS based service)
1960IVRS Based DQ
1961Aaykar Sampark Kendra Income TAX.
1962Animal in distress and Animal mobile Ambulance Helpline to all States Govt. /Uts
1963Grey Market Complaints
1964Central Vigilance Commission All,  I,
1965Vigilance Helpline to all state Govt./UTs
1965Election Commission All
1967Grievance Registration & Redressal HR ,GJ,AP
1968Legal Helpline
1969Swatch Bharat
1992welfare of differently abled
10581Prohibition Helpline for state govt
10581State Govt. of Tamil Nadu AS Prohibition Helpline
10582women and child tracking Helpline
10582Mother & Child Trafficking Helpline
10588Mulitinngual mother and child tracking
10588Allocation of short code 10588
10588Mother and child tracking helpdesk
10589Mother& child tracking Helpline
10589Mother & Child Tracking Helpdesk
10720Train accident inf- metro railways
10721Railway Diaster
10722Train accident
10723Train accident inf- -SE railways
10724Train accident inf- E railways, Howrah station
10725Train accident inf-E railways, Sealdah
10740Central Pollution Control Bd,
10740Central Pollution Control Bd,
10741Pollution control Board of Telangana 
10741Pollution control Bds of all state Govt/UTs
10771Disater Control Room of Dir, Relif, WB
10772Disater Control Room of DM, 24 pgs (N), Barasat
10773Disater Control Room of DM, 24 pgs (S), Barasat
10774Disater Control Room of DM Howrah
10775Disater Control Room of DM Hooghly, Chinsurah
10780Helpline general election
10780Helpline general election
10920Bhabna Samity, Lucknow
10921women Helpline TTDC,Krishna dist AP
10921Association for Social Health in India.
10922Jayaprakash instt of social charge calcutta
10922Jayprakash Instt. Of Social Change. Calcutta
10923Saujatya. Calcutta
10924Village Welfare Society Calcutta
10925Gana Unnyan Parisad Calcutta
12890Sabarimala Festival-2023-23 Helpline Number for Pilgrims – Kerala State on temporary basis (from 13.11.2023 to 21.01.2023)
13650M/s Hertz. Pvt. Ltd. (working in Assam) Jharkhand
13651(All India Basis) Operational in Chennai)
13652Sevak Taxi Service(  Operational in Banglore) but under DNP
13658Arrow Amenities (Blue Taxi) KOTD
14401As Urja Mitra Helpline
14401NMDFC Helpline
14402For NMDFC National  Miniority Development Development
14402Tata Trust elderly people
14403National consumer Helpline Jigyasa Helpline to Bihar
14405Excise Dept
14405Excise Deptt ChandigarhState
14405Electronic services delivery of IT Deptt
14405Control Room of Excise Department, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.
14406IT Department Govt of Telangana
14407Criminal Investigation department west bengal police
14408Ministry of women &child Development
14409GST Network for GST return
14410COVID-19 Tele-medicine Helpline call centre to Government of AP, KTK & OR
14410Teleconsulting & Tele-medicine National Health Mission, Govt. of Meghalya.
14410COVID-19 Tele-Medicine (Mental Health) Helpline call centre to Assam Disaster Management Authority, Govemment of Assam
14410Helpline for Tele-consultation to National Health Mission, Directorate of Health Services, Government of Madhya Pradesh
14411CRPF Helpline for the state of Jammu & kashmir
14411School Education Help line
14413National Helath Authority, Government of India to address the concerns of EHCPs (Empanelled Health Care Providers)
14414Niti Aayog
14416National Tele-Mental Health Programme to Ministry of Helath and Family welfare, Government of India
14417School & Mass Education Department, Odisha
14417Gujarat Council of School Education, Samagra Shikha, Government of Gujarat
14417Directorate of Mid Day Meal and School Sanitation, Vijayawada, Government of Andhra Pradesh
14417Telangana State Board Of Intermidiate Education, Government of Telangana
14418Military Hospital Jaipur.
14420 Helpline for septic tanks and sewers to Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India for all States /UTs.
14421Register and Census Commissioner of India
14422CEIR Project
14423Kilkari Helpline to MOHFW
14424Mobile Academy Projects, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
14425Department of School Education, MP
14426Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare For Kisan-Sarathi
14431Digital Payments to National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
14433Human Rights Helpline
14433 Human rights Public awareness
14434National Help Desk number for registration of the Unorganised Workers including Construction Workers, Migrant Workers and similar other workers to Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India
14440For voice services to reserve bank of India for its public awareness Helpline
14441National  informaticks
14442Cash Mukt Bharat Abhiyan
14443Teleconferencing services on AYUSH System of Medicine to Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, New Delhi
14444Meity Ministry of information and electronic Govt of India
14444JSS Hospital & NIC
14445Helpline for  national portability of ration cards under  ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ plan
14446National Toll Free Helpline for Drug Abusers
14545Mo Sarkar Control Centre, Odisha
14545Call Centre for Citizen Grievance Redressal Portal of Government of Telangana
14447Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna Helpline, Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare (DA&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Government of India
14448Alternate Grievance Redressal Mechanism of RBI
14449Helpline  to Government of Andhra Pradesh to register complaints against Police
14449Uttar Pradesh Industrial Development Authority, Government of Uttar Pradesh
14449Hyderabad Growth Corridor Limited (HGCL), Government of Telangana as Helplinein case of Emergency at Outer Ring Road
14450Call Centre for Vibrant Gujarat Summit to Department of Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar, Government of Gujarat.
14451Central Bureau of Investigation, New Delhi for Anti-Corruption Helpline
14455JSS hospital
14456IVRS based OTP Authentication process
14464Shri  Amarnath Shrine Board
14488Government of India Call Centre for coordination between States for inter-State movement of perishables-vegetables, fruits, inputs like seeds, pesticides and fertilizers
14499Corona Santvana Helpline to Forest & Environment Deptt. Govt. of Gujarat
14466Meity Ministry of information and electronic Govt of India
14544Helpline for Registration of Properties to Prohibition, Excise and Registration Department, Government of Bihar
14545Hamar Sarkar Hamar Dwar (Mukhyamantri Mittan Yojana) Mittan Services to State Urban Development Agency, Chhattisgarh.
14546Re- Varification Mobile Service
14546 IVRS BASED OTP Authentication process for  E-reverification of ADDAR
14546Ministry of Health & family welfair
14555Ministry Home Affairs & all telecom operators
14555Ministry of Health & family welfair
14555PM-JAY Helpline to all States/UTs
14560Accounts wing, DOT
14464Sh.Amarnath Shrine Board
14566National Helpline to Deptt. of Social Justice against atrocities on members  of SC & ST
14567National Helpline to Deptt. of Social Justice & Empowerment for Sr. citizens.
14567National Helpline to Deptt. of Social Justice & Empowerment for Sr. Citizens.
14567Enquiry of public road transport utility
14588Helpline for the beneficiaries of Central Health Schemes like CGHS, CAPF and ESI schemes to National Health Authority
14599CSC Support Services to CSC e-Governance Service India Limited Helpline for VLEs for G2C and B2C Services
14600 to14639Hon’ble High Courts of India  Helplines to streamline court functioning through video conferencing module.
14646IRCTC for e-Ticketing
15013State Election commission
15100Call centre for MTNL/BSNL
15100National legal service Authority
15100Legal Services Helpline(Nalsa)
15101GAIL as PAN India Gas Pipeline
15102For all India Radio ( AIR)
15103State Election commission
15104BSNL NGN Helpline
15105Postal Complaints Dept of Post
15106Metro Heart Institute
15107National Register of Citizen(NRC) project to state Govt of Assam
15233Indian Oil Helpline,
15544Mid Day Meal Services for Voice & SMS gateway services
15545For Pohibitio in Helpline to state Goovt of Bihar in other circles
15545Trade & Taxes Helpline Deptt. GNCT of Delhi
15545Military control room mapped
15545Prohibition Helpline
17001Voice Mail Service to M/s Tata Teleservices Ltd
17010Missed call alert
17030M/s Cyber Bazar (India) Pvt. Ltd
17051Answeriing machine service
17052Answeriing machine service
17070Raji TV Local Network
17071AIR FM1
17073Podhigai outstation network
17074AIR FM2
17075Suriyan FM
17076Sun Tv
17077Podhigal local network
17078RajTV Outstation network
17079AIR FM3
19440Helpline for Kumbh Mela police
105010Forties Hospitals
105010Escort Heart Institute & Research centre
105011M/s Cure International India Trust for Clubfoot Treatment Programe
105201Govt.General Hospital Blood Bank, Chennai
105700Lokmanya Medical Foundation, Pune
105701Kailash Hospital, Noida
105705Ambulance service, Vidya
105705Pratisthan Institute of IT.
105707Unity Health Complex Mangalore
105710MIOT Hospital Ambulance Service, Chennai
105711NM Wadia Institute of Cardiology, Pune
105712Pune Institute of Neurology Ambulance Service
105713Yashoda Hospitals Secunderabad Ambulance
105714Sterling Hospital, Ambulance Service, Ahmedabad
105715B M Birla Heart Research Centre, Kolkata
105716Rabindranath Tagore Institute of Cardiac Science
105718Sanjay Gandhi Accident Hosp.& Research Institute
105719Kamalnayan Bajaj Hospital
105720Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital
105721Lifeline Foundation, Vadodara
105722Sundaram Arulrhaj Hospital
105724Escorts Hosp.& Research Centre, Faridabad
105725Ambulance Ser5vice of Referral Information Network System, TN
105727Frontier Lifeline Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
105757Sancheti Institute Trauma Centre, Pune
105758Ambulance service, Asian Institute of Medical Sciences.
105766Apollo Hospital Ambulance Service
105777Ambulance service for Indian Metals and Ferro Alloys Ltd.Bhubaneswar
105786Director ( Operations) SRM Institute of Medical sciences
105900Nobel Hospital, Pune
105901Ramchandra Hospital,Chni
105901Institute for Hand & microsurgery,Stanley Hospital , Pune / Chennai
105902Hosmat Hospital, Bang.
105902Army Command Hospital,Pune
105904Kammineni Hospital, Hyd
105905Malar Hospital,Chni
105906Sri Devi Hospital,Chni
105907Sterling Hospital, Ahd
105909Kailash Hospital, Noida
105910Yoshada Hospital Hyd
105911Madras Medical Mission
105913Balaji Hospital Chennai.
105914Aditya Hospital Hyd.
105915Mediciti Hospitals, Hyd.
105916GNRC Hospital
105919Global Hospital Hyd.
105920Image Hospital, Hyd.
105921Image Hospital Hyd
105922Grant Medical Foundation
105930Sagar Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore
105959Sarvodaya Hospital & Research Centre
105999M/s Rigid Hospitals Chennai-10.
116601Stray Dogs Menace
135337APDSL Helpline
136200Services, BG,CH,HYD
14555Ministry of  Health and family welfare NHPS
14560Accounts wing DOT for CPMS
155055Rural Dev .Dept.Jkd
155055Trade &tax help line GNCT of Delhi
155200Human rights
155201INF service on Income tax
155202Postal Complaints
155203Human Rights Helpline
155204Maritime resvue  co ordination centre
155205Ministry of petroleum
155206Disability Helpline, Ministry of Social Justice
155209State Monitoring Cell Helpline to Women and Child Development Department, Government of Gujarat
155209Suhita Helpline to Maharashtra State Commission for Women, Government of Maharashtra.
155211National Speed Post Centre Trivandrum & Kochi
155211Trivandrum & kochi.
155211Speed Post Centres at
155211Tirupur and Hosur T Nadu
155212Assam, MH
155213Meadical Emergency Service of Kasani Health Express Ambulace/Global Healthcare Systems Pvt. Ltd. in Chhattisgarh./AP/KERALA
155214Labour Help line to all State/UTs
155216IGL for General Emergency Services in Delhi NCT & NCR
155217Sickle Cell Institute Chhatisgarh Helpline
155218Manipal Health Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore.
155220Public Transport Helpline
155221Public Transport Helpline
155222Anti Ragging Helpline
155223Vas Helpline
155223Vas Helpline
155224CGHS Dispensary connectivity
155226Indian Air force Helpline
155227Citizen centric services Helpline
155228Forest department as attack by wildlife, poaching & threatening situation Helpline to all State Govt.
155229Trade & Taxes Helpline Deptt. GNCT of Delhi
155229Tobacco Quit line services to Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi. (Re-allocation)
155230Digital india Helpline
155230Digital India Programme to Lucknow Development Authority
155231Women Workers to all State Govt./UTs
155232Postal Life Insurance Directorate.All circles
155234Anti Human Trafficking Helpline to UP  Human Rights Commission ,
155235Food Security Guarantee Scheme to all States/UTs
155236Rapid Assessment System (RAS)
155237Panchayati raj & Drinking Water Department, Bhubaneswar.
155237Mid Day Meal Services for Voice & SMS gateway services Rajeev Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation
155237Public Service Management Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh
155238Fisheries related Helpline to Fisheries Department of all States/Uts
155240Welfare Commissioner, Bhopal Gas Victims
155241Agricultureal  Produce market
155244Ministry of Health and family affair, DG of Health & Family Welfare, Quit line no. of Tobacco.
155245GSWS Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh for  Government Welfare Programmes 
155245Social security & Pension, Department of Revenue, Government of Karnataka
155246SMS based short code
155249Rowdyism/Extortion Meanace TO Bengaluru city police
155249Special Operation Group, Rajasthan
155248Centraized call centre
155250Citizen centric Helpline
155250Centalize call centre to Govt of Andhra Pradesh
155250CHiPS (Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion Society), Government of Chhattisgarh
155253Farmer’s Support Helpline to Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare Department, Government of Meghalaya
155313 Mobile Plant Health Clinic to Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Karnataka
155254Gender Park, Dep. Of Women & Chield Development, kerala
155255Insurance Regulatory & Development authority
155257Helpline to redress the problems of the pilgrims at Tirumala and also help the pilgrims in case of any emergency to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati as well as Helpline to receive the complaints/suggestions etc from Pan India at TTD call centre which is operational 24*7
155260Cyber crime prevention for woman and children, Home Affairs
155262Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
155264Southern Command Signal Regiment, Care of 56 Army Postal Office.
155265Helpline in Karnataka Government Secretariat, Bangaluru
155266IRDA, Stoen Vehicle Recovery Information System  All circles
155267Helpline to Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and livelihood Department, Government of Karnataka
155267Skill Development to Directorate of Skill Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh.
155271Delhi Police for Noise Pollution
155275Energy Efficiency
155277Food and Public distributor
155280All india  Helpline of Indian Airforce
155299Indian Post Payment Bank
155300Kerala Govt. Call Centre – Kerla Water Authority
155301Rajasthan Police Call Centre
155302Bangalore Development Authority
155303All Municipal Corporation
155304Municipal Corporation Ahmedabad (AMC)
155304Municipal Corporation of Rajamundry, AP
155304Municipal Civic Complaints
155304Municipal Corporation , Telangana
155304Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation, Tiruppur
155307Helpline for tourist polic authorities A&N
155307Department of Tourism, Government of Uttar Pradesh
155308Helpline for old age persons
155309Transport Department Call Centre, Karnataka
155309Sanchar Kranti Yojna Chattisgarh
155310NRHM Govt. of Rajasthan
155310RTI Call Centre of Bihar Govt (RTI call centre)
155311RTI Call Centre of Bihar Govt (RTI Application)
155312Tamilnadu, Karnataka and MP Forest Dept,
155313WATER COMPLAINT Tamilnadu
155314Maharashtra Forest Dept. Nagar
155315A.P.Pollution Control Board, Hyd.
155316Usha Kiran Yojana, MP.
155317Akshaya Nikketan trust Karnataka
155318Jharkhand Services Authority. JKD and Bihar
155319Woman Helpline Swadhar Shelter Home, Assam
155319Woman Helpline for Shanti Sarvodaya Sansthan Gonda
155320Maharashtra Lokyukta Inst.
155321National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme Helpline in A&N
155321National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme Helpline in Sirsa Hyrayana
155322Woodland Medical
155323Director Social Welfare Chandigarh Admn
155324AP micro irrigation project
155325Registrar General, High Court, Jabalpur
155326Aasha Helpline at Chandigarh.
155326Person with Disabilities (PWDs) Helpline to Department for Welfare of Disabled and Senior Citizens, Government of Telangana
155327Helpline for the Disabled
155328NREGS HP All Access Service Providers
155329Mahila Uthan Sansthan, Barabanki UPE
155330Helpline for livelihoods Creation Programme, HdKerala
155330Directorate of Training and Employment, Uttar Pradesh Government for Sewamitra Helpline
155330Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited, Government of Tamil Nadu.
155332Minorities in WB
155333Eastern Power Distribution Company of A.P.Ltd
155333Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa
155333Institute on Mgmt. of Agri. Extn. (IMAGE), Siripur, Bhubneshwar, Govt. of Odisha
155334Swin Flu Helpline
155336Water Resources Department, Maharashtra
155336Housing & Urban Development Department, Government of Odisha
155336Housing Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh
155338Social welfair Helpline
155338APDSL Helpline
155339APDSL Helpline
155339Snehita Gender Help Desk to Kudumbashree State Mission, Government of Kerala.
155340Panchayati Raj Helpline
155341Personal, Adminstrative reform Dept. receiving the PGs/Suggestion/complaints
155343Citizen facilitation,MP
155343Investment Promotion and Facilitation Cell to Government of Uttarakhand.
155344Rajiv Aarogyasri Scheme
155344Aviatora Air Rescue
155345Citizen Relationship and Grievance Management System of Delhi Govt.
155350Aviators AIR
155350Call centre for central information and emergency network Manipal Health Foundation
155352Medical Helpline for Asian institute of medical services Faridabad HR
155354Medical Helpline
155355Citizen Relationship and Grievance Management System of Delhi Govt.
155357Community Health Insurance Scheme A.P
155358Excise Department of Kerala
155359Bangalore Water Sewrage Board, Karnataka
155359Centralized Customer Care Helpline  for WATCO (Water Corporation of Odisha)
155360Kolkata  Muncipal Corpn
155361Anticorruption Bureau,AP
155362Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited.
155363Karnataka state human rights commission
155364for Forest  KFRI Department of Andhra Pradesh/Kerala
155365DG & IG of police, Karnataka
155366Karnataka state agricultural marketing Board, arnataka
155367Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply Sewarage Board, Chennai
155368Rashtriya Swastha Bima Yojana, to all state Govt./AB-NHPM Uttar Pradesh
155371Uttarakhand Information Commission,
155372O/O Labour Commissioner, Gujarat State
155372Child labour Helpline
155377Free Hearse(Mortuary) Van Service, Health Welfare Department, Tamil
155388Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana (MH)
155390Citizen Grievance Redressal system MaharashtraI
155398Citizen Grievance Redressal system MaharashtraI
155600Seva Sindhu (e-governance) for SMS services to Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (e-Governance), Government of Karnataka.
155655CISF Metro Helpline
155755Redressal of grievances related to Health services to Government of Gujarat
160922IN Related service
170221Doordarshan local network
171000I Net service
172214M/s Asianet Satellite communications
172223ISDN Clip based internet
172225Internet ISDNDial Up
172226VSNL information service
172233National Internet Backbone (PSTN ACCESS )
172516HCL-Private isp
1050201Blood Bank Govt hospital  chennai
1707064Airphone in Programme
1707065Airphone in Programme
1707066Airphone in Programme
1707088PAXE-TV(India vision)
1707090Mathrubhumi FM radio phone in program
1707091Mathrubhumi FM radio phone in program
1707099PAXE-TV(India vision)
*(155304)*(same services )
*1902To Access Service Providers for resolving data usage complaints from Mobile consumers through SMS/or IVRS.
*1925To Access Service Providers for resolving data usage complaints from Mobile consumers through SMS/or IVRS. ( 1902 is withdrawn short code)
1059xyEmergency Service of Hospitals
1061#Care Hospital Hyd. & K.G Hospital Coimbatore
106XState of the art Hospitals
107XEmergency Information Service,
1092xNGOs for Women Helpline
11XAccess Providers Services
125 to 129Services to be provided by Access providers
1323 to 1329IRCTC Railway e-catering service to all state govt/UT.
1365xSNS Taxi service
140xIndian Air service
141xArrival Enq
1509#Indo-Nepal border link
1511(n)Police related service for all Metro Rail Project
15533OHelpline for livelihoods Creation Programme, Hd
1553xxState Govt dept
1602#ACC(in service)
1604#Shared service inter-comm
170xyVoice Mail Service
1717#IVRS for meteorological
1911#Dail a doctor
19120 to 19123Electricity Grievances
19121 to 19125My Govt for enhanced citizen
19125 to 19127Electricity Grievances
1914#Postal complaints
195Allotment in 4 digit code
1961x (x=0-9)Helpline for animals in distress to Municipal Corporation Jaipur
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